There are a growing number of people in the community with immunosuppression issues, such as those who have had a transplant, those who are undergoing chemotherapy or people with immune disorders such as HIV. Pools and aquatic exercise can be a wonderful way for people who aren't feeling well to recuperate but do need to be kept clean to stop spreading germs and bacteria. Here are some tips to make sure your pool is as clean as possible.
20 July 2016
While swimming pools are traditionally built in the backyard, in some cases this is not possible. If you would like a pool but have a minimal backyard, for example if the backyard has been subdivided and rebuilt, then you may need to be a little innovative. Here are some things to contemplate as you plan a front yard pool. Privacy Front yards often have more passing foot traffic, including unexpected visitors such as the workman coming to read the gas meter!
13 April 2016
If you enjoy spending time in your spa or pool but are often deterred by the cold, you should consider installing a spa heater. Basically, this type of device will allow you to heat the water and keep it at the most ideal temperature for usage. There are diverse types of pool heaters in the market in terms of brand, operation and size. Therefore, selecting the right product for your residential applications can be difficult, particularly if you are buying the device for the first time.
12 April 2016
If you are looking to get a swimming pool installed in your home, one of the questions to answer is whether you should opt for salt water treatment or chlorination. Here are some of the pros and cons of each option. Salt water Salt water pools still have chlorination, generated by electrolysis of the salt water, but at a lower level than a pool that relies fully on chlorine. Many pool users find that salt water is less drying on the eyes and skin.
31 March 2016
Having a backyard pool is part of the great Australian dream. If you live in a part of the country that experiences very hot weather, then it can be almost considered an essential feature for enduring the long, sticky summer days. Many people may want a pool but believe that their backyard isn't big enough to accommodate one and still leave enough room for kids to play or pets to run around in.
28 March 2016
When it comes to swimming pool maintenance, ensuring that the different chemical levels are balanced is prudent to ensure that your pool is clean and safe for use. Here are some of the considerations that you should keep in mind when it comes to your swimming pool's chemical levels. Consider your pool's pH levels The pH level of your swimming pool refers to how acidic or alkaline the water is. Generally, pools are supposed to be slightly alkaline, thus, should have a slightly high pH level.
23 March 2016