Swimming Pool Maintenance via Your Pool's Chemical Levels


When it comes to swimming pool maintenance, ensuring that the different chemical levels are balanced is prudent to ensure that your pool is clean and safe for use. Here are some of the considerations that you should keep in mind when it comes to your swimming pool's chemical levels.

Consider your pool's pH levels

The pH level of your swimming pool refers to how acidic or alkaline the water is. Generally, pools are supposed to be slightly alkaline, thus, should have a slightly high pH level. There are a number of things that could cause changes in your swimming pool's pH levels. These include constant exposure to rainwater, consistent use of the pool by numerous people and regular topping up of the pool water. As such, it is prudent to regularly check your pool's pH levels to ensure that they have not been drastically changed.

Consider your pool's alkalinity levels

Although the pH level of your swimming pool is supposed to be slightly alkaline, this does not mean that you should not ensure that the alkaline levels are not balanced. The alkalinity levels of your swimming pool will be affected by the sum total of hydroxides, bi-carbonates and carbonates that are contained in the water. It should be noted though that the exact range for your swimming pool would be determined by the type of swimming pool that you have. Therefore, you should always consult with your pool builder on what the normal alkaline levels should be.

There are a few concerns that would be raised with imbalanced alkalinity levels. For instance, if the alkalinity levels of your swimming pool are drastically low, then the surfaces of your swimming pool will gradually erode over time. In this instance, you may be required to include a buffer agent into your pool's water. This is usually in the form of bi-carbonate of soda that functions to raise the alkalinity levels.

Consider your pool's chlorine levels

Chlorine is an important aspect of pool maintenance, as this is what sanitizes your swimming pool. Insufficient chlorination will eventually lead to the growth of bacteria in your swimming pool, which will pose a health hazard to anyone who swims in it. A common misconception people have though is that the higher the chlorine levels, the more the pool will reek of this substance. The truth of the matter though is that low chlorine levels are what make your pool smell of chlorine. These low levels are also what cause itchy skin and sore eyes. It is prudent to carry out regular maintenance to ensure that your chlorine levels are always at optimum. 


23 March 2016

The Biggest and the Best: A Pool Idea Blog

A pool is a major decision. You have to decide exactly what type of style, depth and features you want, and you have to design the area around the pool. You also have to make a lot of decisions about pool heaters, filters and other accessories. Hi, my name is Pauline, and I love my pool. However, I did a lot of research before having it installed. Sadly, I have friends who aren't as happy with their pools simply because they didn't put enough research into the decision-making process. If you are getting ready to buy a pool, I want to make sure that you find a pool that makes you happy. Because of that, I'm here to help you with this blog. Thank you for reading!